Welcome to Nick's Random Musings

Of course I don't know what I'm doing, what fun would that be?

Frog Memo

Nick Gully, Denver

Frogs in a cattle pond north of Boulder, CO in 2011

4th gen AirPod pairing

Nick Gully, Denver

You have to tap on the case like door knocker, there is no button.

Sent from my radio telephone.


Nick Gully, Denver

Still shining. Baggage

Minecraft invisible frame post 1.20

Nick Gully, Denver
/give @s item_frame[entity_data={id:"item_frame",Invisible:1b}]

Beautiful Bash Bits

Nick Gully, Denver

With the bash shell, you can always recall and search the most recent commands with the command ‘history’. You can re-execute a previous command with Exclamation/Number, like ‘!42’ to run the forty second item.

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