Using an OpenWRT 21.02 device on CenturyLink fiber internet. This is a small J1900 Celeron device with four gigabit ethernet ports. The Eth0,2,3 are the local network. Eth1 connects to the fiber modem. The VLAN is 201 for CenturyLink config interface 'loopback' option device 'lo' option proto 'static' option ipaddr '' option netmask '' config globals 'globals' option ula_prefix 'fd39:05db:f787::/48' config device option name 'br-lan' option type 'bridge' list ports 'eth0' list ports 'eth2' list ports 'eth3' option vlan_filtering '1' config interface 'lan' option device 'br-lan' option proto 'static' option ipaddr '' option netmask '' option ip6assign '60' config interface 'wan' option password 'PASSWORD' option ipv6 'auto' option device 'eth1.201' option proto 'pppoe' option username 'USERNAME' config device option name 'eth1.201' option type '8021q' option ifname 'eth1' option vid '201' option macaddr 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'
Using OpenWRT as a Router for a CenturyLink modem