Welcome to Nick's Random Musings

Of course I don't know what I'm doing, what fun would that be?

Subject test

Nick Gully, Denver



Subject test

Nick Gully, Denver



Sergent Couplers in Sn3

Nick Gully, Denver

Putting Sergent 1:64 Couplers on P-B-L cars

<img src=”/nick/img/2016/12/20161212_064919.jpg” size=30%></img> <img src=”/nick/img/2016/12/20161212_064927.jpg” size=30%></img> <img src=”/nick/img/2016/12/20161212_064939.jpg” size=30%></img> <img src=”/nick/img/2016/12/20161212_064957.jpg” size=30%></img>

The trick I found to getting a secure Sergent Engineering scale coupler in P-B-L equipment is to add a 2.5mm O.D. styrene sleeve around the coupler screw to secure the coupler and allow a little play. I had to ream out the Evergreen styrene stock a bit to get it to fit, but has a great action now.

of space and time

Nick Gully, Denver

Modeling Long Ago


From 1900-1950 is a Halcyon period of steam engines, a variety of operations, shortlines, narrow gauge, passenger operations.


Do you like brown boxcars? Do you hate Helvetica and anything jet set? Do reliable diesels seem too easy to you? Do you like squinting at silver nitrate negatives to try and discern what color to paint something?

Modeling Your Youth


Those good old days when you had plenty of time to watch trains and no money to buy them.


Does it give you a concept you can work what you want into? Are you in the demographic that manufacturers are catering too?

Modeling the Present Day


It is what you are appreciating now. You can go take a nice color photograph of it, or better yet, someone else already has and posted it on the internet.


Limited switching and shortlines. Most trains 3+ engines and 100+ cars, difficult to model on a modest layout. Really easy to just spend your way into a layout.

Modeling Your Neighborhood


Easy to get materials


In your basement is the same as outside.

Modeling Far Away


Tropical port / city? Icy Alaskan tundra? South American mountainside?


May look nice, but have limited operation potential, and be harder to get accurate detailing of.

Modeling Idealized


Exactly what you want


May be hard to keep coherence when you keep piling things on.

Further adventures in D3.js

Nick Gully, Denver

Early attempts at a tool to show era-specific information to help modelers define a scene. Many times a modeler wants to incorporate elements (era, location, line, equipment) particular to their own tastes. You could narrow down to a month, like Jack Burgess’ Yosemite Valley in August, 1939, or pick a whole decade to model. There is no right answer, but many exciting options.

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