Murdercat, Murdercat,
Why did you murder that?
Toy mouses, balls of string
Shiny Crinkly Anything.
Robe Belts, Exposed Toes,
Sinking your teeth into my nose
Toy trains, Birthday balloons
Take a minute to stop and mew.
Murdercat, Murdercat,
Why did you murder that?
Toy mouses, balls of string
Shiny Crinkly Anything.
Robe Belts, Exposed Toes,
Sinking your teeth into my nose
Toy trains, Birthday balloons
Take a minute to stop and mew.
khaaaaaanban [image: Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 1.24.28 PM.png]
4 | Greg |
5 | Sandra |
6 | Bryce |
7 | Sang |
8 | Susan |
2013 | Derrick |
2014 | Sophie |
2015 | Steve |
2016 | Lisanne |
2017 | Chris |
2018 | Stacy |
Web | Josh |
Edu | Dr. Temple |
2019 | Marc |
Rolling Thunder over denver, 2018/09/19