Welcome to Nick's Random Musings

Of course I don't know what I'm doing, what fun would that be?

We haven't updated anything.

Nick Gully, Denver

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Hell, I barely check the logs at all these days.

Architecture is a series of absences

Nick Gully, Denver

An absence of space is where we live. An absence of consciousness when we sleep. An absence in walls make up windows. An absence of hunger makes a kitchen.

Aw Hail No.

Nick Gully, Denver

Ice not! Baggage

I should walk away from the internets

Nick Gully, Denver


First crewed launches

Nick Gully, Denver

Gagarin (Vostok-K ~4 launches before crew)

Shepard (Mercury-Redstone ~3 launches)

Komarov (Soyuz 13 +5 launches)

Glenn (Mercury Atlas ~7 launches)

Komarov / Feoktistov / Yegorov (Voskhod ~3 launches)

Grissom / Young (Gemini Titan II ~10 launches)

Schirra, Eisele, Cunningham (Saturn 1B 4 launches)

Borman, Lovell, Anders (Saturn V 3rd launch)

Filipchenko / Rukavishnikov (Soyuz-U +10 launches)

Young / Lovell (Space Shuttle 1st launch )

Liwei (Shenzhou / Chang Zheng 2F 5th launch)

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